Streamline your clearing and settlement process
Our innovative clearing and settlement solution can speed up your clearing cycle, cut check fraud and reduce operational costs from your check clearing system.
It really is the clear-cut solution for Automated Clearing Houses and regions that operate multilateral clearing to electronically exchange payments directly.
AICS provides image-based electronic interchange of various payment types, including checks, payment orders, bulk files and direct debit instructions.
It also processes the associated clearing and settlement of those items, and the long-term central archive and retrieve of all transit items processed.
Key features
Supports multiple clearing sessions, including straight-through, real-time processing for high value payments.
Payments are routed to the engine by scalable import and export adapters which can convert and process industry standard and proprietary data formats, including X9, ISO 20022, NACHA, bulk payment and country-specific message schemes.
Functions such as input payment validation, business rules and image quality can be dealt with centrally or deployed locally at the participant sites.
The central bank platform allows full monitoring and control over the system, and business rules can be updated and deployed from the central site to each participant module.
Security of transfers between the participants and the central bank utilizes current digital signature and security standards.
Business benefits
Simplifies and helps you maintain a convenient and secure solution.
Reduces clearing times and achieves faster settlement.
Can be easily adapted to support new payment types, providing flexibility and growth as the need arises.
Reduces float and credit risk by providing near immediate settlement.
By supporting multiple payment streams in one engine, you get lower cost of ownership and common system support.